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Birth Injury Lawyers in Columbus, OH

Our attorneys can fight for your family’s rights

The birth of a child should be a cause for celebration for parents and other family members. Unfortunately, some parents are faced with a birth injury caused by medical malpractice. Knowing what to do in these situations can be overwhelming. Even knowing what your rights are might not be clear. That’s why it’s critical that you talk with an experienced attorney right away.

Our Columbus birth injury lawyers at Mani Ellis & Layne, PLLC can help your family every step of the way – from explaining the options available to you, to investigating your case, to filing a birth injury lawsuit on your behalf if necessary. Our Ohio law firm puts your family’s best interests first.

We know how to handle complex birth injury cases because we have years of experience dealing with complex legal cases. We thoroughly understand the laws governing birth injuries. We know what evidence matters and we know what strategies work. That’s why we have been able to secure such sizable settlements and verdicts for families. Case results matter here.

How are birth injuries caused by medical malpractice?

In many cases, most birth injuries due to medical malpractice occur because of mistakes made by medical professionals before, during or shortly after a child’s birth. Mistakes are often due to:

  • Inexperience
  • Lack of training
  • Lack of sleep by medical professionals
  • Misdiagnosis of a medical problem (either with the mother or the fetus)
  • Medical professionals being impaired by drugs or alcohol on the job

Whatever the cause of your child’s birth injury, our medical malpractice lawyers can work with you to hold medical professionals accountable for their actions.

What are common birth injuries caused by medical malpractice?

Birth injuries due to medical malpractice can cover a wide range. Some of the most common – and most serious – medical malpractice birth injuries we deal with at our law firm include:

  • Cerebral Palsy – A type of muscle disorder that can permanently impact a child’s posture, muscle tone and movements. Cerebral palsy is often due to reduced oxygen to the baby’s brain during pregnancy, a condition known as hypoxia.
  • Erb's Palsy – Partial or total paralysis of the arms, hands or fingers due to nerve damage to the child, which often occurs due to mistakes made by medical professionals during the birth of the child. A type of brachial plexus injury, Erb’s palsy often results in a reduced range of motion in the affected arm.
  • Bell’s Palsy – A type of injury often caused by an infection and which affects newborn children, Bell’s palsy results in weakness or partial paralysis of the muscles on one side of a child’s face. Bell’s palsy is often a temporary but serious medical condition.
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) – Permanent damage to a newborn child’s brain may involve mistakes made by medical professionals during the mother’s pregnancy or delivery. In particular, the oxygen supply to the unborn child’s brain could have been cut off or reduced, resulting in reduced brain development of the child.
  • Dystocia – A common cause of many birth injuries, dystocia is a medical term used to describe several types of injuries (including shoulder dystocia) caused by a child’s head being trapped inside the mother during the delivery process. Fetal dystocia can be caused by mistakes made by medical professionals, who were not aware that the fetus was in an abnormal position prior to birth.
  • Brachial Plexus – Sometimes referred to as shoulder dystocia, brachial plexus is a type of nerve damage involving an injury to a child’s neck near the collarbone. Surgery may be able to repair a brachial plexus injury. However, some children have difficulty moving this part of their shoulder for the rest of their life.
  • Bone Fractures – Fractures to skull, arms, legs or other parts of the body can occur during the delivery process, especially if medical professionals apply too much pressure to the child’s body during the delivery. Skull fractures can be especially dangerous since internal bleeding or brain damage can occur as a result of a bone fracture during the child’s delivery.
  • Spinal Cord Injury – Injuries to the spine during pregnancy or the delivery of a child can have serious, lifelong consequences. Many spinal cord injuries involving newborn children occur due to abnormal fetal positioning, a term used to describe the incorrect positioning of a fetus during pregnancy or delivery. Birth injuries that cause spinal cord injuries also often occur due to excessive pressure being applied by medical professionals to a child’s spine during the delivery process.

Whatever type of birth injury your family may be dealing with in Ohio, our experienced medical malpractice attorneys can investigate your case to determine if your child’s injury was caused by mistakes made by medical professionals.

What makes medical malpractice birth injury cases so complicated?

Many birth injuries involving medical malpractice often turn out to be very complicated legal cases for many different reasons, including:

  • The medical professionals who caused your child’s injury deny doing anything wrong.
  • The medical professionals claim your child’s injury could not have been prevented.
  • The medical professionals who caused your child’s injury refuse to cooperate with the investigation.
  • The hospital the medical professionals work for has hired a team of attorneys to defend their actions.
  • The hospital’s insurance company denies your birth injury claim.

Why do doctors or hospitals often take a tough stance in response to birth injury claims? Because they know there’s often a lot of money at stake, especially when it comes to birth injuries. That’s because many birth injuries result in permanent damage to newborn children. Fortunately, you’re not alone. We can fight back for you.

How can a birth injury lawyer help me?

When you have an experienced birth injury attorney on your side, you can make sure your child’s injury gets the attention it rightfully deserves. Our legal team can:

  • Investigate your child’s injury to find out exactly what happened
  • Consult with medical experts if necessary to find out what went wrong
  • Negotiate with the hospital, its insurance provider or their attorneys on your behalf
  • File a birth injury lawsuit on your behalf if necessary
  • Represent your family in court at all legal proceedings.

The stakes are high when it comes to birth injury claims. The settlement or verdict you secure should cover all your expenses related to your child’s injury for the rest of their lives. That’s why we take a tough stance and thoroughly research these cases. You can count on us when it matters most.

Your family deserves justice for your birth injury. Call our Columbus law firm.

You only have a limited amount of time to take legal action when it comes to birth injuries. Specifically, you only have four years after the birth of your child to file a birth injury lawsuit or take other legal action. Four years might seem like a long time, but the sooner you act, the stronger your legal case will likely be. Evidence can disappear over time. Memories can fade.

Make sure you make the most of your opportunity for justice. Contact Mani Ellis & Layne, PLLC and schedule your free case evaluation. Our Columbus birth injury lawyers can work with you to build the strongest possible legal case. Your case is about more than just money. It’s about holding medical professionals accountable for their actions.

Charleston, WV

Mani Ellis & Layne, PLLC
10 Hale St Suite 501
Charleston, WV 25301
Phone: (304) 720-1000

Columbus, OH

Mani Ellis & Layne, PLLC
20 E Broad St Suite 1000
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 587-8423